Gallery Photos from OHMA First Aid Station, Community BBQ & Meetings with Dignitaries (Names are listed under each photo, please read left to right.) Saroj Gandhi, President of OHMA, with The Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of OntarioSaroj Gandhi, OHMA President with The Honourable Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education of OntarioSaroj Gandhi, OHMA President, with The Honourable Sylvia Jones, Ontario Minister of HealthSaroj Gandhi, OHMA President, with Peter Bethlenfalvy, Finance Minister of OntarioSaroj Gandhi, President of OHMA, with The Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of OntarioSaroj Gandhi, OHMA President with The Honourable Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education of OntarioSaroj Gandhi, OHMA President, with The Honourable Graham McGregor, MPP, Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Citizenship and MulticulturalismOHMA Volunteer, Meera Natt (OHMA Director). Marilyn Freedman (OHMA Member), Bhupinder Sharma (President of CHO), Saroj Gandhi (OHMA President), Arunodaya Rao (President IIHP), OHMA Volunteer, Lucia Dias (OHMA Director), OHMA Volunteer, Deepti Tebeck (OHMA Member), Sajeev Ampadi (OHMA Member)OHMA Volunteer, Arunodaya Rao (President IIHP), Bhupinder Sharma (President CHO), OHMA Volunteer, Nina Tangri (MPP), Gurudutt Vaid (OHMA Member), Marilyn Freedman (OHMA Member), Saroj Gandhi (President OHMA), Lucia Dias (OHMA Director), Meera Natt (OHMA Director), OHMA VolunteerOHMA Volunteer, Arunodaya Rao (President IIHP), Bhupinder Sharma (President CHO), OHMA Volunteer, Nina Tangri (MPP), Gurudutt Vaid (OHMA Member), Marilyn Freedman (OHMA Member), Saroj Gandhi (President OHMA), Lucia Dias (OHMA Director), Meera Natt (OHMA Director)OHMA Volunteer and Saroj Gandhi (OHMA President)1,2 & 3 OHMA Volunteers, Saroj Gandhi (OHMA President), Marilyn Freedman (OHMA Member)Saroj Gandhi (OHMA President) and Marilyn Freedman (OHMA Member)Sajeev Ampadi (OHMA Member), Saroj Gandhi (OHMA President), Tania Jovanovska (OHMA Director), Dennis Chadbourne (OHMA Chair)Marilyn Freedman (OHMA Member), Saroj Gandhi (OHMA President), Dennis Chadbourne (OHMA Chair), Meera Natt (OHMA Director) Admin2024-05-03T16:00:33-04:00 Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail